Friday, January 23, 2009

Home again

23 Jan 2009

I'm back home, and it's hotter than I imagined it would be. The humidity is making me sticky and sweaty, which is quite unexpected because I've been in snow weather for over a month! It is so good to be home though! Johnny and I are like honeymooners, still (or again, or whatever). It's so nice to be home!!!

Although, being intimate with Johnny, I can tell that I have gained at least 5 lbs since I've left. My scale confirms my worst fear. However, looking on the bright side, I imagine I will be able to lose these pounds fairly quickly. The more I weigh, the easier it is to lose at first... at first being key words. With every other diet I've done, I know now to expect to plateau at around 155lbs. or about 5 weeks into it. I am 168 today (actually 76.4 kilo's).

I've changed my weigh-in day to Friday for good reason. In the past I've used Monday to weigh in, but I go really well during the week and half-way give up on the weekend. I think if I weigh in on Friday then I will be motivated to keep going through Saturday and Sunday to either shed the extra pounds I gain, or to not gain back what I've lost.

So here's to the real start of my journey to 135 :)


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