Saturday, May 5, 2012

Not afraid of temptation

I feel great! I have been listening to Michelle bridges 12wbt preseason tasks all week. The ones I've listened to a few times each, and then filed away. Actually, truthfully, I listened to them each over and over and over. I knew they were powerful. I knew how helpful they'd be. Abut still I had to be ready to hear - truly hear - their message. Today I listened to 'Get Real' and 'organise and diarise'. Such timely reminders! The biggest piece of advise I took in this time was to identify red flag events. I have 3 this coming week. Monday I'm going out with hubby to a movie. I'll bring an apple :) Friday evening is the Garden Party - that I'm organising! I'll bring an apple, and have chickpea salad for dinner. And I will bring myself a diet soda. Not really my drink - I don't even like soda. But when a girl gives up alcohol cold turkey and is forced to hang out with a large group of drinking friends... A diet soda will have to do. And last, but not least, Saturday is my girls birthday party. Lanaya is 8 (actual birthday on Friday). Gracie is 5 (actual birthday on Sunday). We're going ten-pin bowling, where the food options will surely be meat pie's and deep fried food. I'm packing myself a tuna salad :) And cadyn and I will be running 4km that morning. I am ready. Temptation- you don't scare me!

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